الادعاء |
إرهابيو "حماس" المسلمون الفلسطينيون قتلوا امرأة إسرائيلية معاقة وخادمتها الهندية، وهم يفخرون بذلك. |
خلاصة التحقق |
لم يقدم مقاتلو "حماس" على قتل مستوطنة معاقة وعاملتها الهندية، بل حافظوا على حياتها عملاً بوصية النبي محمد في الحروب. |
⬇️English translation follows⬇️
The claim |
Palestinian Muslim "Hamas" terrorists entered a house for a disabled Israeli elderly woman and killed her with her Indian caretaker". |
The Palestinian fighters did not kill a disabled elderly woman but treated her as the Prophet Mohammad ordered them to in times of war.
A video clip circulated among foreign social media accounts, showing one of the resistant fighters inside a home in one of the settlements near Gaza Strip. The video depicted a disabled elderly lady with her caretaker. The accounts claimed that "Hamas terrorists killed a disabled elderly Israeli woman and her Indian caregiver when they entered their homes."
https://twitter.com/IamChandanCM/status/1711220242867691876The Palestinian Observatory "Tahaqaq" notes that this claim is not true. In the video he shot inside that settler's house, a Qassam Brigades fighter stated, "This scene is the will of our Prophet Muhammad to us, the Muslim fighters, not to kill a woman, child, elder, or disabled person in our fights. We have accomplished the Prophet's will by killing the fighters only and keeping the women and children alive."
The result |
The Palestinian fighters did not kill a disabled Israeli elderly woman with her Indian caretaker, they actually spared their lives accomplishing the prophet Muhammad's will in times of war, as the video shows.
مصادر التحقق | مصادر الادعاء |
مقطع الفيديو. |