Arabi Facts Hubis a nonprofit organization dedicated to research mis/disinformation in the Arabic content on the Internet and provide innovative solutions to detect and identify it.
Misinformation and the Reproduction of Social Resentment Towards Syrian Refugees in Turkey: The Case of Eksi Sözlük
Since 2019, Turkey has experienced a marked surge in xenophobic attitudes toward Syrian refugees, with incidents escalating into acts of
العلاقة بين السلوكيات البشريّة واستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعيّ في نشر المعلومات المضللة
يشهدُ العصر الرقميّ الحالي زخمًا غير مسبوق في تدفق المعلومات، حيث أصبحت التكنولوجيا جزءًا لا يتجزأ من الحياة اليومية. إلّا أنّ هذا الزخم صَاحبه تحدٍ كبيرٌ يتمثّل في انتشار المعلومات المضلّلة، التي لم...
Surveillance In Palestine: The Implications of Israeli Online Surveillance on the MENA Region and the World
In the digital age, technology has transformed communication, access to information, and daily life. However, in contexts of domination, such advances have been also weaponized to become tools of surveillance, co...
Palestine,Israel,MENA Region,Online Surveillance,Digital Rights,War on Palestine,Digital War,Israeli Surveillance Regime,Cyber Attacks
Shaping Perceptions: The Impact of Information Disorder on Climate Change Awareness in the MENA
Globally, misinformation and disinformation threaten to undermine climate action, responses to natural disasters, and public support for policies to combat climate change. In...